Week 3.1 - Solid Operations in Rhino
Artist of the Day
Joseph Delappe
Solid Operations in Rhino
In rhino we can either natively author 3d shapes (create boxes, spheres, pyramids, etc.), or we can extrude/loft/revolve 2D drawings into 3d shapes. These two methods are typical for CAD softwares. There is one additional distinction between meshes, polysurfaces, solids, but we do not need to deal with that now.
- 3D Viewports
- When we are drawing in 3d, we are going to want to switch back to the 4-up view (top, front, right, perspective)
- 4View four views at once
- MaxViewport single view
- The 4-up viewport lets us see things from the sides to draw in 3d.
- 3D Primitives (Solids)
- Solids from Curves
- Boolean Operations (math with objects)
- Exporting solids
STL files describe only the surface geometry of a three dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes.
- Exporting STL files
- We can open 3D files in programs like Meshmixer (for mesh manipulations), Cura Lulzbot Edition and PrusaSlicer (which slices files for 3d printing)
Example 3D Basics
Rhino file: basic_3d.3dm
Video Tutorial: 3d Basics
- Ideas for Project 1 (Project is DUE Tuesday
10/22 10/29)