Week 6.1 - 3d Scanning, and Photogrammetry
Artist of the Day
Paul McCarthy
3d Scanning
- Two main techniques: photogrammetry and LIDAR
- Photogrammetry
- LIDAR / 3d scanning (with laser)
- Handheld scanner at Envision
- Examples of room scans (Twomey)
- Simple solution, phone/tablet apps.
- Kiri, Polycam, Widar, etc. See Other scanning apps in References below.
- Other approaches?
- Strengths and limitations of various approaches.
3d Scanning Hands-on
- Install Scaniverse https://scaniverse.com/
- Take turns with your neighbor scanning portraits.
- Use the tools in the app to crop the scan to an appropriate size/shape.
- Export to a file format and import into Rhinio.
3D Scans in Rhino
Really just working with Meshes. Export from the scanning app as OBJ, PLY, or similar format.
Fixing Meshes
Mesh Repair
Follow the detailed Scan, Cleanup, Remodel workflow described in the Rhino Whitepaper below ScanCleanupRemodel.pdf
Rhino Mesh Commands:
- MeshRepair contains many mesh repair tools in a single dialog.
- FillMeshHole attempts to fill all open holes in the mesh. To make it watertight.
Editing Meshes
- ReduceMesh simplifies the mesh. Reduces number of vertices and faces.
- Mesh Trim (Mesh -> Edit Tools -> Trim)
- Mesh Split (Mesh -> Edit Tools -> Split)
- Combine with other parts (solids, meshes, using extrude, boolean)
- Other Scanning Apps
- Rhino Whitepaper on Scan, Cleanup, Remodel: ScanCleanupRemodel.pdf
- Mesh Lab research grade mesh software. Implements many state of the art softwares.