Week 5 - Intro to 3D Printing
- Introduction to 3D Printing
- Intro to the 3d Printer
- Homework
Importing Models
- Create a new file in Rhino and import a 3d scan
- Find the bunny and scale to an appropriate size.
- Locate (Zoom eXtents), Rotate, Scale
- Simplify Mesh (MeshReduce) if necessary
Prepping for 3DP
- Add a base
- Add a label (text objects as solids)
- Is it a closed object?
- Save as STL
- File -> Export -> select STL file (Stereolithography). Answer yes to most questions.
Rhino file: ../examples/venus_sculpture.3dm
Slicing for 3DP
Venus of Willendorf (25000bce) stl file from Scan the World on myminifactory
You are going to combine a 3d scanned object with a base and text to make a small trophy (< 3” x 3” x 3”). Try to come up with some interesting combination between text, object, and base.
- Find a 3d model you want to work with. See references below. It does not have to be a historical artifact.
- Import your scanned object into Rhino.
- Create an extruded base
- Add Text.
- Slice this model for the Prusa MK3S+, PLA filament.
- Finally you will 3d print this model.
- Add documentation of this (screenshots of rhino, screenshot of the slicer, and photo of your printed object) to your digital sketchbook.
- Submit a pdf of these pages from the digital sketchbook to Canvas. DUE: Friday 9/30, 11:59pm.
Office Hours
Wednesday 3-5pm or by appointment.
- Prusa has great Tutorials.
Places to get 3d models