
Exercise 4: Papercraft Construction

A 3D model of Kev’s chihauhua Archie, from Kevs Robots

Description + Process


  1. Upload your complete rhino file.
  2. Take 3-4 screenshots of your rhino object, and add them to your digital sketchbook.
  3. Fabricate your design with the lasercutter.
  4. Update your sketchbook with photos, sketches, and snapshot of your rhino file and your fabricated object.
  5. Upload your files to Canvas: (use the naming convention ex4_Lastname_1.jpg and ex4_Lastname.3dm for the files.)
    • photograph of object
    • rhino file (.3dm) of model
    • flat design (.svg) of laser cut file

DUE 10/22, 11:59pm (Tuesday) to Canvas https://canvas.unl.edu/courses/158902/assignments/1521875
