Exercise 4: Papercraft Construction
A 3D model of Kev’s chihauhua Archie, from Kevs Robots
Description + Process
- Using a combination of 3d primitives and solid editing tools, design a paper-craft sculpture you want to fabricate.
- Using the week 3-1 and week3-2 tools UnrollSrf, Explode, and your 2d drawing tools, flatten this object into a series of pieces that can be fashioned from cut paper.
- Add paper tabs as necessary for assembly.
- Cut this design using the laser cutter and bring it, assembled, to class on Tuesday.
- Simple is ok! I want to you to gain experience with the workflow.
- Upload your complete rhino file.
- Take 3-4 screenshots of your rhino object, and add them to your digital sketchbook.
- Fabricate your design with the lasercutter.
- Update your sketchbook with photos, sketches, and snapshot of your rhino file and your fabricated object.
- Upload your files to Canvas: (use the naming convention ex4_Lastname_1.jpg and ex4_Lastname.3dm for the files.)
- photograph of object
- rhino file (.3dm) of model
- flat design (.svg) of laser cut file
DUE 10/22, 11:59pm (Tuesday) to Canvas https://canvas.unl.edu/courses/158902/assignments/1521875